My name is Dawn Louise and have always been called, Weez, from the day I was brought home from the hospital. Louise is a family name, and our family has five generations of women that have that wonderful name. LouWeez is an honor to my given middle name, Louise, while using my lifelong nickname.
I also own a marketing agency specializing in direct mail marketing. Most of my clients are affordable luxury retailers and schools. With most of them being closed during the Pandemic of 2020-2021 I had time on my hands – like so many of us did! I started to bake cookies. I would send them friends and family, bake them for parties and holidays. Trial and error, recipe taste tested and re-tested.
Taking the necessary course work and getting my Illinois Cottage Food Certification, I wanted to share my delicious cookies with all of you! This business taps into my love of being creative, my excellent planning skills, my drawing and sketching abilities and especially my love of spreadsheets!
Thank you for supporting my small business!

Dawn Hastings
CEO / Founder